

The Centres Sportifs Territoriaux (CST) are major players in the sports policy of the Collectivité d'Outre-Mer (Overseas Collectivity) of Saint-Martin, in partnership with the leagues, committees and clubs, and the services of the Iles du Nord education authority, and are involved in the threefold school sports and social-educational project for "Pupil-Athletes".

The Centres Sportifs Territoriaux are autonomous bodies of the leagues, committees and clubs (LCC), accredited by the CEES within the framework of this agreement.
The main aim is to gradually and individually prepare young people with sporting potential in the region to join federal structures such as the Pôle Espoir (CREPS) or international structures in the short, medium and long term, and to support them in their life project through the educational supports that sport can offer.

The Centres Sportifs Territoriaux are made up of 3 levels:

Primary level: the Centre d'Entrainement Territorial (CET), which concerns children in primary school (CM1, CM2).

‍College level: the Centre de Perfectionnement Territorial (CPT), which caters for children attending the Mont des Accords middle school.

‍High school level: the Centre de Développement Territorial (CDT), which caters for children attending high school.

The main strategic objective of the Territorial Sports Centers is to guarantee an environment conducive to the realization of the triple sporting, academic and social-educational project of student-athletes. The CEES and its partners (leagues, committees and clubs - National Education) do their utmost to offer Territorial Sports Centers appropriate administrative, financial and sporting support.

The CST scheme, must enable leagues, committees and clubs, to reach a level of expertise allowing qualitative representation of the territory during competitions (regional, national and international).

‍ExcellenceSportive: The CEES and LCCs contribute to the sporting success of the CSTs through the provision of a daily training facility (Monday to Friday), supervised by qualified coaches while ensuring the health of the student-athletes through longitudinal medical monitoring specific to each discipline.

Academic success: Within the framework of an agreement with the French Ministry of Education, CEES promotes academic success by offering timetables adapted to sporting requirements, as well as academic support.

Social-educational development: CEES, LCCs and parents support each student-athlete in his or her personal development, learning civic and collective values, and access to autonomy and individual responsibility in order to successfully carry out his or her life project.

The Centre Sportif Territorial brings together:

* Primary CM1-CM2 - Territorial Training Center - CET
- Early Maturity Disciplines
- Early Engagement Disciplines
- Daily Physical Activity-type schemes (Éducation Nationale) and all LCC operations in conjunction with USEP.

* Collège - Center de Perfectionnement Territorial - CPT
- Disciplines validated by the CEES with a view to integration into pôles espoirs or training center-structures.

* High school - Center de Développement Territorial - CDT
- Late-maturing disciplinesTraining for federal certifications and diplomas (official and technical).
- Support for university or professional sports careers.

Back to school for CST

All student-athletes at CST will be back in school on Monday, August 19, 2024, for two weeks (until Friday, August 30, 2024), from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Trainees on the territorial list

Each young person selected for integration into the CST is registered on a territorial list.

As a result, he or she benefits from full support during the year of presence within the structure (academic, sports, social and medical).

He or she has priority for financial support for detections for entry into the "pôles espoirs" or training centers. They benefit from all the sports, technical, medical and academic programs offered by the CST (training courses, camps, evaluation programs and special support).

Training partners

- Training partners are not registered on a territorial list. They are selected by the CST and validated by the CEES for one school year (renewable or not). They benefit from training sessions and certain facilities (internships, camps, medical follow-up and sports equipment). They can be enrolled in any school.

- One-off training partners are involved for periods of the season (2 months or 32 sessions maximum). They receive no financial support from CEES, and are under the full sporting and administrative responsibility of the LCCs.

By joining the CEES scheme, parents are obliged to commit to jointly pursuing the student-athlete's academic, sporting and social-educational project.

Financial organization

Parents of student-athletes are expected to contribute according to the following categories:
- Territorial list holders in CET: 160 euros monthly from September to June
- Territorial list holders in CPT : 160 euros monthly from September to June
- Territorial list holders in CDT: 160 euros monthly from September to June
- Training partners in CET: 110 euros monthly from September to June
- Training partners in CPT : 110 euros monthly from September to June
- CDT training partners: 110 euros monthly from September to June
- One-off training partners (2 months or 32 sessions): Free

A typical day at Collège Mont des Accords


Sports Time Class (CETS)


End of classes and move to sports facilities




End (taken care of by parents)

CST administration

Technical and Sports Director
Assistant Technical and Sports Director
Jean-Louis VIROLAN
Mathias AIDOUD
Responsible for school follow-up

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Institutional partners

Saint Martin community logoEuropean Union logoLogo academy GuadeloupeLogo prefecture saint-martin