Diploma courses

Implementation of actions co-financed by the European Social Fund (FSE) giving rise to individualized training in the field of sport.

Tennis coach with youngTennis court
Basketball playerBasketball game


A solution to outsource human resources needs.

The Groupement d'Employeurs du Sport is a service initiated by the Sports Movement and for the Sports Movement. As an association under the French Law of 1901, the GES recruits one or more employees to be made available to sports associations (called "user members") according to their needs.

The GES can also provide its members with assistance or support in the area of employment and human resources management

DLA Sport

At the service of sports association support actors.

Supported by the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF), the DLA Sport Resource Center supports the operators of the Local Support Scheme (DLA) and the actors of the sports sector in their missions to support the structuring of sports associations.

The Local Support Scheme was created in 2002 by the French State and the Caisse des Dépôts, and its purpose is to support socially useful structures in the consolidation of their activities and the perpetuation of their jobs.

Basketball playerBasketball game


SESAME (Sésame vers l'Emploi pour le Sport et l'Animation dans les Métiers de l'Encadrement).

A support system for a professionalization pathway leading to a qualification giving access to the profession of sports educator or animator. It offers each young person an individualized pathway (information, positioning, pre-qualification, training, follow-up by a referent).

Launched in 2015, the SESAME program aims to accompany young people towards a professional qualification for a job in sport or animation.

soccer goalkeeperSoccer match


SESAME (Sésame vers l'Emploi pour le Sport et l'Animation dans les Métiers de l'Encadrement).

A support system for a professionalization pathway leading to a qualification giving access to the profession of sports educator or animator. It offers each young person an individualized pathway (information, positioning, pre-qualification, training, follow-up by a referent).

Launched in 2015, the SESAME program aims to accompany young people towards a professional qualification for a job in sport or animation.

RunnerGroups of runners

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