The sports educator who holds the Brevet Professionnel de la Jeunesse, de l'Éducation Populaire et du Sport (BPJEPS), speciality "Sports Educator" mentioning "Physical Activities for All" (APT), carries out his professional activity autonomously, using one or more technical aids in the fields of physical and sports activities or educational, cultural and social activities, within the limits of the regulations. He/she is responsible for his/her action on the pedagogical, technical and organizational level. He/she ensures the safety of third parties and the public under his/her responsibility. He/she is responsible for the animation project which is part of the structure's project.
The training aims to prepare the profession of physical activity leader for all, multi-skilled sports leader:
- Lead and supervise physical activities related to the outdoors (mountain biking, orienteering, hiking or biking), maintenance gymnastics, sports games in connection with the specific environment
- Participate in the organization of the operation of a structure
- Implement an animation project
- Manage specific sports facilities
- Welcome the public, master the computer tool
Hold one of the following first aid training certificates:
- Valid "First aid certificate" (PSC1) or "First aid training certificate" (AFPS)
- Valid "First aid team level 1" (PSE 1);
- Valid "First aid team level 2" (PSE 2);
- Valid "Attestation de formation aux gestes et soins d'urgence" (AFGSU) level 1 or level 2;
- Valid "Certificat de sauveteur secouriste du travail" (SST).
- present a medical certificate of non-contra-indication for the practice of "fitness activities" dating from less than one year before entering the training.
- Satisfy the different prerequisite and selection tests
Objectives of the training
UC1 : To supervise any public in any place and any structure
UC2: Implement an animation project in line with the structure's project.
UC3: Design a session, an activity or learning cycle in the field of "physical activities for all".
UC4: Mobilize the techniques of the mention " physical activities for all " to implement a session or a learning cycle.