Also called multipurpose animator, cultural activities animator, evening animator, mini-club animator, discovery animator, discjockey animator, games animator, mini-club animator, singer animator, extracurricular activities animator.
Games, sports activities, excursions, mini-club, aperitifs, sketches, dance evenings...the tourist and leisure activities animator bends over backwards to make the tourists' stay pleasant and to prevent them from being bored.
Baccalaureate level or equivalent.
The practice of an artistic, recreational or sports activity is recommended for the training and for professional integration.
The B driving license is desirable for professional integration.
In English level A2-B1 of the CECRL (to express oneself and understand an exchange of information in a known field).
Objectives of the training
1 - Contribute to the design of leisure activities in a tourist establishment:
- Participation in the design of leisure activities for different audiences;
- Creation of leisure activities proposed to holidaymakers
- Promotion of leisure activities in English;
- Design of a program, a leisure activity for a public with disabilities ...
2 - Lead daytime and evening activities in a tourist establishment:
- Animation of daytime and evening activities for different audiences;
- Installation and logistics of leisure activities;
- Animation of daytime and evening activities in English...