This diploma allows the holder to work mainly with sports or socio-educational associations, local authorities, groups of employers, schools of the 1st degree, leisure and tourism structures, extra-curricular activities.
The holder of the BPJEPS "physical activities for all" ensures in pedagogical autonomy:
- The animation for different publics through the discovery and the initiation of diversified physical and sports activities (sports activities and games, physical activities in natural spaces, physical activities of body maintenance): elaboration and implementation of sessions and pedagogical cycles.
- The maintenance of the general physical capacities in an objective of health.
- The participation in the elaboration and the implementation of animation projects in the field of "APT".
Details of the prerequisites for entry into training (EPEF) defined by the diploma decree.
- To be at least 18 years old;
- To hold the PSC 1 or its equivalent, with the update of the continuous training;
- To present a medical certificate of non-contreindication to the practice of physical activities for all dating from less than one year at the date of the entry;
- To validate the Tests of Entry Preliminary to the training (TEP):
> Shuttle test " Luc Léger "
> Test of motor skill: to link 22 workshops
Objectives of the training
The training is organized in 4 Units of study in the training center, and alternates with a "pedagogical internship in a professional situation":
2 transversal units whatever the mention:
UC1: To supervise any public in any place and any structure.
UC2: To implement a project of animation being part of the project of the structure.
A specific unit for the BPJEPS Physical Activities for All training:
UC3: Conduct a session, an activity or learning cycle in the field of "Physical Activities for All".
A credit unit specific to the APT mention :
UC4 : To use the techniques of the mention " physical activities for all " to implement a session or a learning cycle.