C.E.E.S. News

Press conference of March 28

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On Tuesday, March 28, 2023, the Center of Excellence and Education through Sport (CEES), along with the national education system, presented their strategy to the local press and elected officials, which is divided into four areas:

Axis 1: administrative and regulatory evolution
Axis 2: training and professionalization
Axis 3: performance pathway
Axis 4: territorial attractiveness

An opportunity for the CEES to announce the launch of the territorial development centers at the beginning of the next school year and the presence of Saint-Martin, for the first time, at the Island Games which will take place in Corsica from May 22 to 27, 2023.

The CEES, which aims at sporting excellence, intends to take up the challenge.

For more details on the Center for Excellence and Education through Sport, please see the press kit (below).

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