C.E.E.S. News

Results of the second day of JDI competition

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A victory for Saint-Martin in basketball and 8th place in gymnastics.

For this second day of competition, the Saint-Martinoise delegation regained their strength and showed themselves to be more aggressive. 

The results for the various disciplines are here 

Things to remember 

The basketball team won a game against Corsica, 18 - 9. The Canaries team won by 1 point, 17 - 18. 

In gymnastics, Jade AUGE finished 8th out of 17. The other gymnasts put in very fine performances. Grâce, the gymnasts' technical coach, told us that the competitions they usually take part in are on an FFGym program for the inter-regions. For the JDIs, on the other hand, it's the FIG program of the Fédération International, a clearly higher level. 

As we've already mentioned in previous articles, it's a beneficial experience that will bring us closer to our goal of developing high-level sport on the island.

We're proud of all the athletes' performances. It's a first, and now we know what to expect. 

Well done to all!

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