C.E.E.S. News

Working meeting and presentation of CPT

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First meeting of work and validation for the CEES, Center of Excellence and Education through Sport. A selection date is set.

On Wednesday, March 8, 2023, the CEES, Center for Excellence and Education through Sport, presented to its partners in soccer, athletics and basketball the different territorial development centers (CPT).

Indeed, the CEES, which recently opened its doors, aims to accompany the young licensed athletes and to prepare them for possible selections in the hope poles. The CPT are a real setting in situation which will be proposed to the selected ones with an adapted school and sports program. The objective is to prepare the children and their parents for the different requirements of the "pôles espoir", i.e. to raise their technical level, to teach them the values of sport, sharing and competition. As for the parents, their role of support and encouragement in this program will be decisive.

It is a device that is made possible thanks to the collaboration between the CEES, the National Education, the leagues, the clubs and the committees of the concerned sports.

On Saturday, April 22, 2023, CEES and its partners will conduct selections for licensed players in the following sports: basketball, soccer and track and field. Once selected, athletes and their parents will be able to register directly on the CEES website. Information meetings will also be held to explain to parents and children how the CPT program works.

On the 22nd. April 2023, the CEES is waiting for the numerous licensees and supporters.

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