C.E.E.S. News

AMES: Sport Excellence Mobility Assistance for athletes aiming for excellence.

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Are you an athlete with a concrete sports project? The Centre d'Excellence et Éducation par le Sport (CEES) is launching the Aide à la Mobilité d'Excellence Sportive (AMES) scheme. This financial support is designed to help you realize your project.

This assistance is aimed at all young people in the region who are planning to join a sports-related school program.

Eligibility criteria are as follows:   

- Be a full-time or part-time student at an educational or sports institution;

- Be identified by a sports organization as a Espoir, Élite or Excellence athlete in a sport, and be involved in a training and competition program at or towards the top level;

- Resident for at least 5 years or be licensed in Saint Martin in a sports club and be retained in a structure outside the territory.

Applications are made directly on the CEES website, https://www.cees978.com/aide-a-la-mobilite-dexcellence-sportive

Complete applications will be processed!

‍Thedeadline for applications is July 31, 2023.

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